

Before you order...

Gather all the important details of your graduation event. You will need to know the place, date and time of the ceremony, party or open house. You should also make a list of the people who you would like to receive your announcement or invitation so that you know how many to order.

Adding photos...

Including your photo on your graduation stationery is a nice way to personalize it even more. When ordering photo items, make sure the photo will fit in the space shown. Photos with clear head shots and solid backgrounds work best. For best results we recommend using a high resolution photo. Black and white images should have a resolution of 600 dpi or higher and all other images should have a resolution of 300 dpi or higher. Our preferred file types are BMP, JPG, JPEG, TIF and TIFF.

While ordering...

Choose an announcement or invitation that shows your personality. Our selection gives you a choice of traditional, modern, embellished and photo styles. Next select a lettering style that best fits the style of the announcement or invitation. When selecting a lettering style, also consider the amount of wording you have. If you have a lot of wording it is best to select a smaller block lettering style but if you have just a few lines of wording a script or a larger block lettering would work well. Select an ink color that matches or compliments the color of the paper. Each of our graduation announcements and invitations include a wording sample, you can use our wording sample and customize with your information or create your own wording from scratch. For additional wording ideas see our graduation wording page Graduation Card Wording. Keep in mind that names, the date and time, street, city and state names should be spelt out and zip codes are not required and are usually omitted on formal graduation announcements and invitations. Be sure to utilize the free online proof that our website provides. After you enter your wording and other order details, our website will produce an on-screen proof of your announcement or invitation. This proof will show the lettering style, approximate font size and placement of your wording. When reviewing this proof, double check your spelling and be on the look out for typos or any stray characters such as misplaced commas.

When you have received your order...

Assemble an announcement with any additional enclosures such as rsvp cards and take it to the post office to determine what the correct postage will be. When you are ready to mail out your announcements you can ask the post office to hand stamp them for you. This is a good idea if your announcements include embellishments that may be damaged by the postal machines. Be sure to mail out your graduation announcements or invitations at least 3 weeks before the event.

We got you covered with all the graduation stationery you need!

Shop graduation photo cards - 25% off

Additional options available while ordering: envelope guest addressing, extra envelopes, thank-you cards and accessories.

Shop Carlson Craft Graduation Photo Cards - 25% off

Four Sisters Printing is your source for graduation announcement and invitation cards. Select from a wide variety of high quality papers with exquisite printing. We carry boy graduation announcements, girl graduation announcements, senior graduation announcements, college graduation announcements, commencement invitations, open house invitations, graduation party invitations, thank-you cards and party accessories.